榫卯的魅力Epub+Pdf+Mobi+Txt+Azw3 下载在线阅读

 榫卯的魅力Epub+Pdf+Mobi+Txt+Azw3 下载在线阅读


  • 书名:榫卯的魅力
  • 作者:张瑶主编
  • 标签:古代 榫卯
  • 时间:2022-09-23
  • 评分:
  • ISBN:9787122359339
    • 榫卯的魅力内容简介

      1. 本书系统介绍了榫卯这一中国古代经典结构方式,以中国科技馆经典主题展览“榫卯的魅力”为基础,围绕展览38件(套)展品,为读者呈现榫卯的发展史和榫卯的应用史。
      2. 榫卯可追溯至河姆渡遗址干栏式建筑,直到近期在艺术展览上展出的以榫卯为创作核心要素的艺术品,时间跨度大
      3. 榫卯工艺涵盖中国古代建筑、中式家具、造船造桥等不同领域以及现代各行业生产及人们生活,应用范围广。
      4. 本书以榫卯应用实例为核心展示内容,图文完美结合,准确展示榫卯蕴含的科学原理
      5. 通过榫卯展品的实物图、示意图和线条图增强视觉认识,并配以动画视频,生动形象地向公众传播古代科技、传承文化遗产、弘扬工匠精神,引领读者感受榫卯科技经久不衰的魅力


      1. 本书编写团队为中国科学技术馆古代科技展览部,专业知识扎实系统,策展经验丰富,具有国际视角。主编张瑶研究员,多年来从事古代科技展览的设计和研发,策展经验丰富,参与多部相关配套图书的编写,熟悉科普写作,出版著作有《中国古代科技之光》《中国古代机械图文集》等。









      Decorated Gateway of the Yonghe Lama Temple



      雍和宫西牌楼模型(1︰15)Model of West Decorated Gateway of the Yonghe Lama Temple(1︰15)

      The decorated gate way is a special category of ancient Chinese architecture. As a memorial or landmark building, it was used in ancient China for recognition, commemoration, decoration, marking and guidance. It was mostly built in palaces, temples, tombs, ancestral halls, government offices, and street crossings.

      The Yonghe Lama Temple is one of the highest level Buddhist monasteries in China. It was built in the 33th year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign of the Qing Dynasty(1694), and was the prince’s mansion at that time. In the 3rd year of Emperor Yongzheng’s reign (1725), it was changed into a traveling palace, called “Yonghe Palace”. In the 9th year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1744), it was officially changed into a Tibetan lama temple. There are three wooden decorated gateways in front of the Yonghe Lama Temple, which were built at the request of Emperor Qianlong for his mother’s birthday. These decorated gateways are elegant and magnificent.

      雍和宫西牌楼侧立面图Side Elevation of West Decorated Gatewayof the Yonghe Lama Temple

      雍和宫西牌楼正立面图Front Elevation of West Decorated Gateway of the Yonghe Lama Temple

      6、 紫禁城角楼

      Turret of the Forbidden City




      The Forbidden City turrets are defensive buildings, located in the four corners of the wall of the Forbidden City. The construction of these turrets was started in the 18th year of Yongle Era of the Ming Dynasty (1420). A turret is a multi-angle building with a four-sided convex plane combination. It is 27.5 meters high, with 9 beams,

      1、 columns,

      7、 ridges and a complex three-story gablet roof covered by yellow glazed tiles. The design of the turrets is exquisite and well-proportioned, with various spectacular multi-level eave angles, making it a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture.

      This model is a local profile model of the Forbidden City turret, from which we can see the mortise and tenon structure inside the turret.

      紫禁城角楼立面结构图Facade Structure of Turret of the Forbidden City

      紫禁城角楼局部剖面模型(1 ︰ 20)Local Profile Model of Turret of the Forbidden City(1 ︰ 20)


      Three Types of Wooden Framework Construction

      1、 抬梁式木构架

      Post-and-lintel Wooden Framework




      抬梁式木构架模型Model of Post-and-lintel Wooden Framework

      Post-and-lintel construction consists of pillars, beams, purlins, tie beams and other basic components. In this structure, pillars are erected on the foundation, beams are set on the pillars, and then several layers of short pillars and beams are overlapped on the beams. From the bottom to the top, as the height increases, the length will be shorter layer by layer. Finally, there is a king post on the top, forming the entire wooden framework. In the spatial framework of the house with double sloping roof, the adjacent two sets of wooden frameworks are connected with transverse tie beams and purlins, and the purlins are connected with rafters. The post-and-lintel wooden framework appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period and became maturely developed in the Tang Dynasty. It was widely used in large buildings such as palaces, temples, monasteries and northern folk constructions. The advantages of the post-and-lintel wooden framework lie in fewer indoor pillars and large indoor space, while its disadvantages lie in larger material and wood consumption.

      抬梁式木构架结构图Structure of Post-and-lintel Wooden Framework

      抬梁式木构架侧立面结构图Side Structure of Post-and-lintelWooden Framework

      2、 斗式木构架

      Column-and-tie Wooden Framework




      穿斗式木构架模型Model of Column-and-tie Wooden Framework

      Column-and-tie Wooden framework consists mainly of columns, purlins, crossbeams and cantilevers. Its construction is to set up columns in the depth’s direction of the house. Each column has a purlin on the top, then rafters are set on the purlins, and the roof load will be transmitted directly from purlins to columns. Each row of the columns is transversely penetrated by the penetrating tie beams, forming a frame. Between every two frameworks, the columns are connected in series with the transverse tie beams, forming a spatial structure of a room. Column-and-tie construction became mature no later than the Han Dynasty, and was widely applied in the dwelling houses in south China. The advantages of the column-and-tie wooden framework lie in fewer material and wood consumption, while its disadvantages lie in more indoor pillars and limited indoor space.

      穿斗式木构架结构图Structure of Column-and-tie Wooden Framework

      穿斗式木构架侧立面结构图Side Structure of Column-and-tie Wooden Framework

      3、 井干式木构架

      Log Cabin Wooden Framework





      井干式木构架模型Model of Log Cabin Wooden Framework

      井干式木构架结构图Structure of Log Cabin Wooden Framework

      Log cabin wooden framework is a structure type that uses no columns or beams. This structure is in the form of stacked parallel layers of round wood or logs with rectangular and hexagonal cross-section, with the ends of the wood crossing at the corner to form the four walls of the house. It is shaped like a wooden fence of an ancient well. On the left and right sides of walls, the short columns are placed, supporting ridged tie purlins to form a house. In the late Shang Dynasty, log cabin wooden framework was used to build caskets in the tombs, and the earliest log cabin house didn’t appear until the Han Dynasty. The characteristic of log cabin wooden framework is that the wall plays both load-bearing and protective roles, but due to the large wood consumption, it is only suitable for areas with abundant forest lumber.


      The Large Wooden Framework Construction in the Qing Dynasty and Its Node Patterns



      A complete construction consists of thousands of components including beams, tie beams, purlins, rafters, columns, boards, dougong, etc. Each joint of those components is a node. These nodes are important joints of the entire architectural framework. Once the joints lose contact, an edifice will be in danger of collapsing. The node patterns of a wooden framework construction are mainly divided into four categories pillar-end node, pillar-head node, pillar-body node and beam-purlin node.

      清式大木构建筑与它的节点组合(互动模型和多媒体)The Large Wooden Framework Construction of the Qing Dynasty and Its Node Patterns (Interactive Model and Multimedia)

      1、 柱下节点

      Pillar-End Node


      The various parts of the pillar base connect each other, forming the pillar-end node.

      柱下节点示意图Illustration of Pillar-End Node

      2、 柱头节点

      Pillar-Head Node




      The pillar-head node is the most important and critical node of the architectural framework. The load in all directions is transmitted to the plinth through this node. The components that make up this node are pillars, beams, tie beams, purlins, dougong and so on.

      柱头节点示意图Illustration of Pillar-Head Node

      3、 柱身节点

      Pillar-Body Node


      The pillar-body node is the mortise and tenon connection point of components such as pillars, beams and tie beams.

      柱身节点示意图Illustration of Pillar-Body Node

      4、 梁檩节点

      Beam-Purlin Node


      In small buildings and residential buildings of the Qing Dynasty, the purlins were directly placed on the beam head to form the beam-purlin node.

      梁檩节点示意图Illustration of Beam-Purlin Node


      A Unique Feature of Ancient Chinese Architecture—Dougong








      Dougong is a special component which is unique in ancient Chinese architecture and demonstrates the whole set of mortise and tenon technology. It is a transitional part between the column and the roof of a large building. Its function is to transfer the roof load through columns to the plinth. The dougong crisscross in length and width, forming a complex, which has the function of being earthquake-proof. In addition, dougong can extend eaves outward, making the eaves more far-reaching and the building more beautiful and spectacular. Due to its sophisticated design and elegant shape, it is an exquisite decoration in ancient Chinese architecture. Dougong was also one of the main symbols of the feudal hierarchy expressed in architecture. Dougong was not allowed to be used in folk buildings since the Tang Dynasty.

      There are many kinds of dougong with complex shapes and construction. According to its usage in the building, it can be divided into inner-eaves dougong, outer-eaves dougong and balcony dougong. The outer-eaves dougong can be divided into pillar-head dougong, eaves-corner dougong and crossbeam dougong.


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